National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services
In January 2015 the Health Service Executive and the National Disability Authority launched a guidance document for staff on the provision of accessible services for all entitled 'National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services'. The document was developed by the National Advocacy Unit of the HSE in partnership with the National Disability Unit, HSE and the National Disability Authority.
The guide has been written to give practical guidance to all health and social care staff about how they can provide accessible services for people with disabilities while recognising that improving accessibility will benefit all users of health care services.
The guidance document itself is broken into 12 guidelines which cover topics ranging from Accessible Maternity Services; Accessible Hospital services; Accessible services - general advice; Consent; Accessible buildings and facilities; Accessible information; communication; developing disability competence to developing accessible health and social care services.
Alternatively if you would like further information on making Health and Social Care Services accessible, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01-4151285 or email [email protected]