NDA Annual Conference - Planning and Leadership for inclusive mainstream public services for people with disabilities
The National Disability Authority (NDA) recently (12th October 2015) held a conference entitled ‘Planning and Leadership for inclusive mainstream public services for people with disabilities’ at the Croke Park Conference Centre. The main theme of the conference focused on the Government’s policy that mainstream public services would be planned and delivered to include people with disabilities.
Opening the conference Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald TD said “Hearing from people with disabilities, who have been driving the mainstreaming agenda, is a crucial part of today’s programme.”
At the conference The Minister launched the report How Walkable is Your Town?, produced by Age Friendly Ireland in partnership with the National Disability Authority. This report gives the findings of a series of ‘walkabouts’ by a diverse group of people at different stages in life, and including people across different types of disability, to identify examples of obstacles and good practice in the daily environment of our streets and towns.
The conference included practical examples from North and South of the border of how disability is mainstreamed in designing and delivering different public services and how key enablers, such as leadership, good planning and cultural change, are critical in the process.
For further details and information on the conference click here.
Alternatively, if you would like further information in relation to making your services accessible for people with disabilities, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on 01-4151285 or e-mail [email protected]