Lifetime Homes
The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) recently hosted a seminar entitled “Lifetime Homes in Policy and Practice”. The main presentation was given by Mike Donnelly CEO of Habinteg in the UK. The presentation highlighted how Lifetime Homes has developed in the UK since the late 1980s and how it is now integrated into The Code of Sustainable Homes in UK. It is envisaged that by 2013 Lifetime Homes will be a mandatory requirement to achieve Sustainable Homes Code level 3.
The Lifetime Homes standards relate to interior and exterior features of the home and there are a total of 16 design criteria. The design criteria range includes: Car parking width; Access from car parking; Approach gradients; Entrances; Communal stairs & lifts; Doorways & hallways; Wheelchair accessibility; Living room; Entrance level bed space; Entrance level WC & shower drainage; Bathroom & WC wall; Stair lift/through-floor lift; Tracking hoist route; Bathroom layout; Window specification; Controls, fixtures & fittings.
Best practice examples from the ‘Greater London Area’ (GLA) where highlighted and it was noted that all housing in the GLA is to be designed to the Lifetime Homes standards with 10% to be designed to wheelchair standards.
Reference was made to Irish policy and the Department of Environment highlighted that their steering group (made up of national disability organizations, NDA etc.) was working at the development of an Irish Lifetime Homes policy, due for publication by the end of the year. The CEUD, also highlighted that they are developing additional guidance in this area.
If you would like further information on the seminar, please contact us on 01-4151285 or e-mail [email protected]