DEHLG launches FAQs on Disability Access Certificates
The Building and Standards Unit within the Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government (DEHLG) recently (17th May 2010) uploaded a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in relation to Disability Access Certificates following the commencement of the Building Control Regulations 2009.
In the FAQs, the following points are highlighted:
- To avoid potentially expensive remedial work, it would be considered good practice to apply for a DAC at the same time as a Fire Safety Certificate and prior to submitting a commencement notice.
- A DAC is not required before commencement of works but works cannot be carried out in contravention of Part M of the Second Schedule of the Building Regulations 2000 or any conditions subject to which a DAC is granted.
- Agents can sign the DAC application form on behalf of the applicant if they are authorized to do so by the building owner.
- A building cannot be opened, operated or occupied or permitted to be opened, operated or occupied without the necessary DAC or where an appeal has been lodged, pending the determination of the appeal.
- In relation to a material change of use of a building, a DAC is required for certain works to which the requirements of Part M apply. Part M will apply to a material change of use of a building only when it includes a material alteration - in such cases Part M will apply to all works in connection with the material alteration and therefore a DAC should be applied for.