Accessibility of the built environment - A summary of the key developments in 2012
It is coming to the end of yet another busy year which has seen lots of developments taking place in relation to accessibility including:
- Part M 2010 came into operation on 1st January 2012. M1 of the Building Regulations now requires that “adequate provision shall be made for people to access and use a building, its facilities and its environs”.
- In February 2012, the National Disability Authority (NDA) revised and republish Building for Everyone. The new Building for Everyone is divided into nine booklets covering everything from external environments and approaches to buildings to the day to day management of buildings.
- In May 2012, the Department of Education and Skills publishing guidelines on Primary & Post Primary School Specialist Accommodation for Pupils with Special Educational Needs.
- In mid 2012, the National Implementation Framework to support the Government’s National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability, 2011–2016 was published by the he Minister for Housing & Planning and the Minister for Disability, Equality, Mental Health & Older People
- New guidelines on procurement and accessibility were published in October 2012. The guidelines offer advice and supporting information on procuring built environment projects (i.e. going beyond the Part M, ensuring accessibility is considered at all stages of projects).
- In November 2012, a new research report titled "Shared Space, Shared Surfaces and Home Zones from a Universal Design Approach for the Urban Environment in Ireland" was published by the NDA.
If you would like further information or assistance in relation to the above article, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on 01-4151285 or e-mail [email protected].