The main benefits of improving accessibility and how accessibility benefits society
It is safe to say that accessibility benefits all members of society including people with disabilities. Improving accessibility brings about increased quality of life; creates more independence and better social integration. It also leads to better health and can result in cost saving in a number of areas. In fact improved accessibility gives people with disabilities the opportunity for independent living within the community thus leading to lower demands for special services therefore bringing economic benefits to all members of society.
In an accessible, fair environment, people can care for themselves and live independently for much longer. Accessibility supports active ageing and thus helps to reduce the burden of care work and the cost of senior care services to the benefit of society.
Accessible environments and service delivery (e.g. library services) enables people with disabilities to move around independently and access day to day services. This motivates and encourages people to leave their homes more often while meeting other people and participating in social life. It also helps to prevent social isolation.
In the area of public transport improved accessibility ensures that's sustainable mobility modes can be used by all people, and day to day services are accessible without having to use a car.
Improving accessibility in the area of employment and recruitment has a number of benefits for society including providing businesses with a wider pool of talent, reducing the dependency of people with disabilities on the social welfare and ensuring a greater number of people are actively contributing to the Irish economy.
In relation to leisure, cultural or sport activities improved accessibility allows more people to actively participate within society and enjoy with their friends and families. It will also lead to better health for those participating thus reducing the demand on health care services.
If you would like further information on the benefits of improving accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01-4151285 or [email protected]