NDA Annual Conference 2016 - Ordinary Homes, Ordinary Places
The National Disability Authority (NDA) held its annual conference titled: “Ordinary Homes, Ordinary Places: Planning, designing and building supportive communities for people with disabilities” at the Croke Park Conference Centre on Tuesday the 11th of October.
Housing was taken as the theme for the conference with a particular focus on identifying approached that can help foster supportive communities for people with disabilities.
Developments in universal design, technology, planning etc. were addressed by speakers from both Ireland and oversees including keynote speeches from the Chair of the New York City Building Code Accessibility Committee, Victor Calise and George Braddock, President of Creative Housing Solutions LLC, who has pioneered the implementation of person centered planning to the homes of people with disabilities in the United States.
In the afternoon workshops were scheduled including:
- Building Supportive Communities
- Independent living by design
- Smart-en up your home - new technologies for independent living
For further details on the NDA’s annual conference click here.
Alternatively, if you would like to learn more about accessible homes please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on 01-4151285 or e-mail [email protected].