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New National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022-2027

On the 14th of January 2022, the Irish government launched the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022-2027. This new strategy replaces the previous National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011-2016 which was extended to 2021. The new strategy aims to provide housing and support for people with disabilities.
The vision for the strategy is to facilitate independent living and inclusion in the community for people with disabilities. The implementation of the strategy will be based on the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities.
The vision is supported by six themes, in which they set out specific actions required in order to achieve the vision. Each of the themes include a set of desired outcomes, that need to be met in order to achieve the vision set out for the strategy.
The six themes set out are:
Theme 1 – Accessible Housing and Communities.
Theme 2 - Interagency Collaboration and the Provision of Supports.
Theme 3 - Affordability of Housing.
Theme 4 - Communication and Access to Information.
Theme 5 - Knowledge, Capacity, and Expertise.
Theme 6 - Strategy Alignment.
The new strategy aligns with Housing for All, the government’s national plan for housing to 2030. The plan contains specific actions for housing for people with disabilities. The strategy aims to facilitate disabled people to live independently, provide choice and have control over their living arrangements.
An Implementation Plan will be prepared and set to be published by the end of the second quarter of 2022; which contains specific actions required in order to achieve the outcomes of each theme.
For further information on the new National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022 – 2027 click here
Alternatively, if you need further information on how to make facilities or services  more accessible and inclusive, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on (01) 415 12 85 or e-mail