Simple ways to improve accessibility in 2016
Did you know that staff attitudes are one of the biggest complaints made by people with disabilities; Poor customer services can result in an inaccessible service; Access to information can be the first barrier faced by people with disabilities when using a service and making accessibility improvements doesn’t need to cost that much. The following newsletter article outlines ten ways that you can improve accessibility in 2016 to ensure equal access for all within the services you provide:
- Provide accessibility pre-visit information to people using your services. This could include staff contact details, public transport information and the accessible facilities on your premises.
- Appoint someone with responsibility for accessibility and promote that you have an Access Officer in place.
- Carry out an audit on your website and ensure it is designed in line with accessibility good practice for all users (e.g. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
- Ensure those with responsibilities for facilities management review accessibility on a regular basis. Create some checklists and carry out reviews regularly. Implement low cost solutions where possible.
- Develop an Access Policy and Implementation Plan. Remember it is not just all about accessibility to buildings.
- Consult with your end users and identify what accessibility barriers they face.
- Provide feedback to customers and staff on accessibility improvements.
- Provide Disability Awareness Training to your staff.
- Ensure that in all procurement exercises accessibility is considered.
- Ensure the needs of people with disabilities are considered in emergency situations and adequate health and safety measures are in place.
If you would like to learn more about making your organisation accessible or to find out more about accessibility please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on 01-4151285 or e-mail [email protected]