Survey of Training Needs for IT Professionals on Universal Design
The Irish Computer Society (ICS) and the National Disability Authority (NDA) are currently researching the levels of awareness and competence among IT and UX professionals in Ireland on Universal Design and accessibility (June 2018).
The results from the survey will help to develop training programmes, upskill professionals, help organisations comply with the new Web Accessibility Directive and ultimately make digital products and services usable by more people. The survey contains 21 questions, only takes a few minutes to fill out and is completely anonymous.
If you are, or know of, an IT or UX professional you can find the survey at the following address;
Should you have any questions about the survey you can contact Dónal Rice, Senior Design Advisor - ICT, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, NDA through any of the following platforms;
Phone: +353 1 608 04 97
Mobile: +353 86 856 73 57
Twitter: @UDGC_IRL
For more information related to everything Universal Design and the NDA visit their website for all the details here;
If you require further information on accessibility or Universal Design, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on (01) 415 12 85 or e-mail;