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Ten tips to make your services and buildings more accessible

The following article outlines 10 tips on how to make your services accessible for all people regardless of age, size or disability:

  1. Ensure your organisation has a dedicated person (and team) with responsibility for accessibility.
  2. Review current levels of accessibility in relation to customer services, the built environment, information provision, human resources and employment.
  3. Develop an access policy and plan, review and update this plan on a regular basis and report to management on annual basis.
  4. Ensure pre-visitor information regarding access to your building and services  is provided on your website. Pre-visitor information should highlight the accessible features of the building, public transport provision, relevant contact information (access officer details etc) and relevant access guides.
  5. Ensure access is a criterion in the procurement process. If you are a public body it is important to remember that Section 27 of the Disability Act requires that accessibility is a criterion to be considered throughout the tendering process and this applies to goods and services (Website upgrades, office furniture, leasing buildings, extensions, alterations, security services etc).
  6. Ensure all organisational policies and procedures are accessibility proofed to ensure that accessibility is mainstreamed within the organisation.
  7. Review staff training needs and ensure that relevant Disability/Equality and accessibility training is carried out when and as required.
  8. Ensure the day to day management of the building considers accessibility. Organisations should carry out access maintenance checks on a regular basis and access audits every three years.
  9. When organising events ensure that access is considered when promoting the event, when preparing the event materials, on the day of the event and when providing feedback.  Ensure guidelines are prepared and all staff are aware of them. 
  10. Ensure all printed and electronic information produced by the organisation is accessible.  Public bodies have a legal obligation (Section 28 of the Disability Act 2005) to ensure all written, oral and electronic communications are accessible.

Need to find out more about making your services and buildings accessible? Why not contact one of our team on 01-4151285 or [email protected] or why not check out the training we provide in this area.