Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments
Edward Steinfeld, director of the University at Buffalo’s Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access (IDeA Center), and Jordana L. Maisel, the center’s director of outreach and policy studies have recently published a new book entitled “Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments”.
The new standard text on the topic, Universal Design introduces designers to the principles and practice of designing for all people. From the foundations of accessibility and aging to the practice of designing interiors, products, housing and transportation systems, all aspects of this growing field are explored. Covering best practices examples to demonstrate the value of universal design as both a survey of the field and reference for researchers, Universal Design is sure to be constantly at the fingertips of all types of designers.
The textbook is full of useful information ranging from housing and home improvements, public transport, interior design, social participation, practicing Universal Design, public buildings to product design. Further information on the textbook is available here.