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Application of Disability Access Certificates - FAQs

At O’Herlihy Access Consultancy, we have been receiving a number of queries in relation to application of the Disability Access Certificates. Here are some of the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

When are the Disability Access Certificates coming into force? Part 3 of SI 351 of 2009 Building Control Regulations 2009 entitled ‘Application’ and Part 8 which addresses Disability Access Certificates clearly highlight that a Disability Access Certificate must be submitted to the Building Control Authority for works or a building as regards which a material change of use takes place, where the works commence or the material change of use takes place on or after 1st January 2010. A Disability Access Certificate will also be required for commencement notices and 7 day notices lodged after that date.

Are Building Control Authorities accepting application for Disability Access Certificates before the 1st of January 2010? Some Local Authorities are currently requesting or accepting Disability Access Certificates before the 1st of January 2010 and the Department of Enviroenmnet (DEHLG) in a recent circular to architects noted

“In order to facilitate the efficient and effective implementation of the DAC and thus greater compliance with Part M as soon as possible, Building Control Authorities are encouraged to deal promptly with valid applications received in advance of 1 January 2010, for buildings or works due to commence in January and February 2010”.


How long will it take for the Local Authority to review the Disability Access Certificate? The current application process is anywhere up to 8 weeks and works cannot commence until the DAC has been received.

What is the cost of the application? The cost to submit a Disability Access Certificate to a Local Authority is €800.

Are there Disability Access Certificates template available? There are no templates available but the Disability Access Certificate must include the following:

If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact O’Herlihy Access Consultancy on 01-4151285 or [email protected] and we will be delighted to help.