NDA launch Strategic Plan for 2010 – 2012
The National Disability Authority launched their Strategic Plan for 2010-2012 in March 2010. The Plan has five main Strategic Priorities and these are:
- Strategic Priority 1 - To provide support and evidence-based advice to Government Departments and Public Bodies by supporting the effective implementation of the National Disability strategy and monitoring the impact of the National Disability Strategy.
- Strategic Priority 2 - To provide evidence-based policy advice to promote independence and the quality of daily life for people with disabilities across the lifecycle
- Strategic Priority 3 – To promote inclusion through accessibility and Universal Design
- Strategic Priority 4 – To build the NDA’s capacity to deliver on its strategic goals
Strategic Priorities 1&3 are fundamental to ensure buildings are accessible; that services are provided in an accessible manner and to ensure monitoring of the implementation of the National Disability Strategy.
Strategic Priority 3 is critical in relation to access and Universal Design and it highlights that the NDA will continue to develop accessibility guidance raise awareness and provide relevant supports; establish and support Universal Design networks or champions to promote Universal Design and will continue to gather information and evidence to demonstrate how to achieve Universal Design. It also highlights that the NDA will promote and develop Universal Design curricula in academic courses and continued professional Development and work in the development of Universal Design standards, guidelines and policies. Follow the link for further information on the NDA Strategic Plan.