Accessibility Guide for dealing with persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility
The International Association of Public Transport (UITP), the IRU & the European Disability Forum (EDF) have jointly published an Accessibility Guide entitled ‘Improving public transport services through awareness of staff about persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility’.
As the numbers of people with reduced mobility in the European Union (EU) is increasing it is important to raise awareness of the needs of people with disabilities and reduced mobility to the various local public transport providers.
The aim of this guide is to provide the staff of these operators with the information necessary to interact with people with disabilities and to raise awareness of their needs.
The guide provides general advice for dealing with persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility (see section 2). The guide also provides specific advice on how to assist people with mobility, vision, hearing and speech impairments along with those who may have cognitive and psychological disabilities (Section 3).
For further details on the guide click here.
To find out more on how OHAC can assist you to identify the barriers people with disabilities face and how to remove these barriers please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on 01 – 4151285 or e-mail [email protected]