Public Service Providers - Are you are aware of the new National Disability Strategy Inclusion Plan (2016-2020)
The Department of Justice and Equality is currently in the process of developing the new National Disability Inclusion Strategy which included a comprehensive consultation process in 2015 and 2016 (due for publication in early 2017).
The New National Disability Strategy Inclusion Plan has a new set of specific Themes including Equality and Choice; Joined up policies and public services; Education; Employment; Health and well-being; Person-centred disability services; Housing and Transport and accessible places.
Each theme has a number of objectives, actions and outlines who is responsible for implementing same. For example the plan requires that:
Public services are universally designed and accessible to all citizens.
- Persons with disabilities are as able as their neighbours to get to their destination.
- Persons with disabilities are able to access buildings and their facilities on the same basis as everyone else.
- Local authorities to implement a programme of installing additional dishes kerbs,
- Public services actively engage with people with disabilities and their representatives in the planning, design, delivery and evaluation of public services.
- Public sector information is available in accessible formats that are easy to understand.
- New homes are designed to Universal Design standards and can be readily adapted to people’s changing needs
The National Disability Strategy Inclusion Plan Phase 3 Consultation Document can be downloded here.
Alternatively, if you need further information on accessibility or Universal Design, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on 01-4151285 or e-mail [email protected]