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O’Herlihy Access Consultancy receives CPD accreditation for Technical Training Courses from the RIAI

O’Herlihy Access Consultancy (OHAC) is delighted to announce that it has received Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation from the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) for two of our technical training courses. The RIAI CPD links programme is designed to increase the quality and depth of CPD opportunities available to RIAI members by creating a partnership between providers of CPD and the RIAI.

The two technical training courses which are accredited by the RIAI CPD links programme are “How to Prepare or Review a Disability Access Certificate” held over two days and “Access Auditor Training” held over three days, which are both eligible for 12 and 18 CPD points respectively.

Some of the benefits for professionals looking to enroll on both of the OHAC courses are that the courses will hold substantial CPD points towards the annual total of 40 CPD points which are required by architects while gaining expert advice in the area of Universal Access and Universal Design.

O’Herlihy Access Consultancy is also an accredited CPD provider with the Engineers Ireland as a ‘Registered Training Provider’ on the basis that we meet the criteria of adequate quality assurance procedures set out by Engineers Ireland and all of our technical courses are eligible for CPD points.

If you would like further details on CPD or any of our technical training courses please do not hesitate to contact one of our team on 01-4151285 or e-mail info@accessconsultancy.ie or why not visit the training page on our website at www.accessconsultancy.ie/training/