Making Events Accessible for Everyone - Half Day Course
About the Programme
This programme introduces participants to the key principles of organising an accessible event. To many people accessibility only relates to the physical access to the building when orgnising an event (i.e. ramps and toilets). This course explores a number of key areas were accessibility must be incorporated to ensure the event is accessible to all. Areas covered include accessible information provision, pre-visitor information, promotion and marketing, event planning, physical access, emergency planning, preparing for the event, transport, technology and booking the event.
This course aims to equip meeting and event organisers with the key skills to ensure their events are accessible to all people regardless of their age, size or ability.
- 09 June 2015
Cost / Location
€185 / Guinness Enterprise Centre, Dublin 8.
Key Outcomes
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- Identify barriers people with disabilities face and how to remove these barriers when organising meetings and events.
- Develop an awareness of practical measures in relation to organising accessible events (including checklists).
- Strengthen their knowledge of Universal Design, particularly in how it applies to meetings and events.
- Be able to summarise disability equality legislation relating to accessible events.
- Develop an awareness of etiquette & appropriate language to use for all customers.
- Acquire the skills to overcome barriers and promote accessibility through inclusion and equality for all.
To book your place on this course, please contact us.